Friday, February 26, 2010

injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, as well as Elie Weisel, have both lived indifferent lives. Both have suffered tremendously, and have been scarced for life. These men both fought for injustice. Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. targeted Birmingham, because that is where it all started. Birmingham was the most segreted city in the United states. They had a record of most brutality occured amongsts African Americans and unjustice in courts. In Elie's case, he was a victim of the Holocaust, marking his 54th anniversary of being freed from Nazi death camp. Elie , was assured unjust and indifferent, in the way that there is no difference, as to dawn and dusk, as to punishment and crime, persay. The statement said by Dr. MLK Jr., "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appaling silence of the good people," reflects Elie's essay, in a way were, both have turned away from sin, and gained forgivness from a person who did wrong, of course never forgetting what was once done to them, but all they could have done was abide gratitude for those who did the right thing and fought till the end to regain justice and equal rights. In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. letter, he talks about how if he had lived in Germany, he would comfort his Jewish brothers, and disobey the Communists norms. It seems to me that he understood what Elie was going through, putting himself in his shoes and feeling his pain. In my eyes, both have hoped that we will be able to learn from our mistakes and make it a prosperous future, but in order to do that, we must understand and be more optimistic about the future as it is was the past.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

what i think of critical thinking!

Critical Thinking to me, means reflective jugdment on what I should believe, or what to do when it comes to an arguement, written assignment, or experience. It is applying standards of suffient evidence to discuss a claim or belief. Personally, when it comes to reading on my own time, I find it very difficult to understand the moral concept of what I am reading. It's like it comes in through one ear and out the other in an insistant, and by the time I'm done reading I forget what I just read. I dislike when that happens, maybe that is why I hardly ever read. When it comes to thinking critically, I can do much of a better job doing that. My thoughts run wild, I can think about a subject, or event and start writting things down without even doing a rough draft. I feel that this method for me works better, than actually siiting down and thinking about how I'm going to write it, it just comes freely to my mind. I sometimes tend to apply these habits in my real life, for example, lets say I am given instructions to do something like build a lego figure, I never like to go through the instructions I just like to go by what my mind tells me and figure it out like that, even if it takes me longer than what it would have if i had read the instructions, but it's not like that all the time, just when it feels right, I can say. I was never the type to sit there and analyze anything that had to do with the media, politics, and so forth. It never caught my attention to put to much mind into that kind of stuff. In taking this class, I hope that my analyzing skills can improve, because like I said, I never actually sat and watched the political cannels and analyze the things they say, It would be a neat thing that by the end of this term I would have learned how to analyze situations like that, because oneself never knows when it can become useful in life and I rather have the skill and not use it, then to not have it and need it.