Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Moments Together!

Yay, one less semester and three more to go!! woot woot! so happy to say that I'm so excited we finally get some time off, right?? Because I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get this summer started. :) Sike, lol lucky me I get to work all summer, and full time to ehhh. I'm somewhat excited because it's basically my first job ever, but I'm not looking forward to given up my weekends, noooo!! But aometimes you gotta do what you gotta do just like this English class.

Jennifer thank you for making this class challenging!!

You really kicked my butt with this class, I have to admitt this was thee most challenging class i've ever had, well besides math. But I happy to say that I think I, along with my classmates, I think we did good. I mean we were some tough cookies, and we manged to hang in there. Coming into thi class, I was low key excited, because I previously had Jennifer for my English 101 course, and I liked the way she taught, even though half way through the semester she adandoned me, lol but I knew it was for a good cause. I'm glad I actually got the opportunity to have her as a teacher again, because she truly put us to the test, she makes us think outside the box, and of course shes very funny, and fun. Look at the way she would post up our assignments with cartoons and what not, and not to mention how she would welcome us every week. Even though it was an Online class, I found it fun, and interesting. Since i've never had a online class, this was my first ever, it was an interesting experience, because I got to know people online, how crazy is that, huh? I find that pretty awesome.

At the start of this class, I had absolutly no idea how to use the damn online thing, I kid you not I struggled for the first 3 weeks, which means I lost a couple of points because of it grrr. But soon after, thanx to my lovely friend valerie, she helped me figure it out. Thanx VAL!! anyways, besides that, over all I had a fun time siiting by butt most of the time doing homwork for this class, because of this class I have committed to not continue to be a professional procrastinator lol. That's what killed me in this class, I would always wait for the last minute to do an assignment, so won't it won't happen again.

To sum it all up, It was a great class to take, for those who see this blog I recommend you to take Professor Jennifer Gross, your awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Adri, your welcome. But that is what friends are for :) and thanks for helping me out like all the time too I really appreciate it. Like seriously I really do you saved my butt. Oh yea and sorry to scare you about the research paper a week early, next time I will make sure I read ALL of the instructions or directions before I text you at like 7 o'clock in the morning. ha ha. But besides that this class was very fun and I have to agree with you the professor did push us a lot this semester. I mean I never knew that english could be this simple really. Not in the esay sort of way but in the way that evrything actually makes sense to me now more than when we started. And I completely agree with your last sentence. Anybody that reads this blog and is interested in taking the class should do so, even if they are not they should anyways. It was a great experience and I know I could not have made a better decision that this one. So Professor Jennifer, Thanks and I really appreciate everything you put us all through.
