Friday, May 28, 2010

Two More Days left!! ahhh!

This lastresearch, for i'd have to say was the most difficult. I say that, because like always I wait for the last minute to do things. What made it more stressful was that it had to be five pages long, and sadly to say i didn't even get the five full pages. But i'm so excited that this class is almost over, I know that may sound harsh, but hey I'm speaking with the truth hear. So far this semester has been the most difficult for me, and i've struggled way to much, but I'm glad I wa one of the few people that remained in this English class, because I indeed learn a lot of valuable things from my peers.

This last research paper was actually quite interesting to write, mainly because I learned how women's rights in Islam were far beyond fair. I actually got the chance to put myself in the position of women in Islam, and see how they were treated, and till this day they continue to follow such laws. I learned that women had absolutely no say what so ever in anything, and that they were forced to dress a certain way, and if they disobeyed such rules, they were brutaly punished. Another thing that really touched me, was that besides not having the right for anything, as a wife in Islam, if her husband wanted to divorce, or even worse get a second, or third wife, men did not have to ask for permission they just went about, and if divorced the children were taken away from the mother, and possibly never see them again. I think that touched me the most, because not being able to be with children you personally birthed is horrible.

I strongly believe that this research paper, made me open my eyes a little more about what is actually happening around the world, how people are being treated, and how women are being treated as property, rather as the human being that they are. Like i've said previously, this paper wasn't easy to write, but I was able to get enough research to gain valuable information and learn from what I was writing, and I think that was the key to the paper, to gain knowledge about things that seem far from our reach. Having the privilage to learn something new every day, whether it's from your own writing, or someone elses. I hope to have impacted, or atleast inform you guy's about what is being done with women in Iran. I also hope that I get a good grade on it. lol :)

1 comment:

  1. I like your honest blog! It’s nice to know your real point of view. I believe most of us cannot wait to finish this semester. I was also having extremely hard time especially in this class, but true, I have learned so many things, and every assignment had some meaning to increase our critical thinking skills. What I like about this class is that after such a challenge, I will feel good at the end of the class after realizing how many hard works we have done. Yes, we survived until end of the semester! Not many people would accomplish this, so we are already proved that we have worked hard! Now we can believe in ourselves that we’ll get good grade. I liked the fact that you put yourself in the position as women in Iran. We can be more empathetic by personalize their experiences, which will help us to motivate to confront the issues happening in the world, or speak up to the issue. If we think like “oh, it’s not relevant to us, it’s happening in completely different world” then we can just ignore such hash condition other people experiencing. So I appreciate your way of personalizing the issue. Good luck to your grade of this research paper, every little revision will help the grade to go up. I am sure that your effort will be reflected to the grade. Just couple more days, you can do it!
