Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm Such a Procrastinator!!!

Well to be quite frank honest with ya, the reaearch paper isn't coming along all that great......I havn't quite started working on it yet :/. I'm such a procrastinator..ahh! The only thing i've done so far on it is read a few pages, and I have done just a little bit of research on it. For some weird reason, I have a feeling this paper is going to give me a hard time, besides the fact that I havn't put to much into it, but I believe I tend to work better under pressure. Tha'ts why I always leave things till the last minute. I know I know that isn't a smart strategy, but i've been doing it for so long, that it just works for me.

So this is the situation, every time it is necessary to read a book and write a paper on it, the problem I always encounter with is remembering what I just read. It happens to me all the time and I hate it, because it get's me frustrated, and I just want to take a break, and that's a bigger problem because then, i'll just keep saying to myself, i'll do it later, and that just leads to doing it the next day lol. And always to that. But you know what, this time i'm going to try and actually do an outline for it, that way I have all the information written down in order, and how I want to start it.

So hopefully, this paper won't turn out as bad as it seems, becuase finals are kicking my butt, and if i don't get this ridiculous paper done imma be angry grr. But i guess that's the consequence of being a big time procrastinator and waiting till that last minute to get my ideas down. But I know that I will get it down, I mean after all i have been doing it for a very long time, so I'm pretty sure i'll manage to finish it, even though I know i might have to stay up super late working on it, but like i said before, i work better under pressure.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have same tendency as I do. I work so hard under the pressure and I wait to do things in last minute. Well, this semester, I am always under the pressure since I am taking so many classes, accompanied with tutor jobs and honors society volunteer works. I barely catch up all the assignment due in last minute. If I encounter some papers due for any classes, I usually end up writing them till morning. It’s such a nightmare, but at the same time, I become confident by overcoming such obstacles. So somehow, everything turns out well as a result. But when I have time, I also wait till last minute to do the assignment then always end up rushing things. I guess I have very bad time management, maybe because I am extremely optimistic. But I think this optimistic attitude helps me to overcome hard assignment also, because I believe I can do it. Actually, I am in very similar status as you are for research paper, but I am sure that we can overcome this obstacle. Only short period of time left now, if we concentrate on those days, the result will be encouraging! I will work as hard as possible for these two weeks! You can do it too! Good luck!
