Friday, May 14, 2010

My Style.

Online communication has become very popular in our society, I'm pretty sure we all have a myspace, or facebook we use to communicate to each other right? Well I am a big fan of online communication. I'm literally interacting with people constantly through the web. Before, I use to see it as a mean of fun, you know like getting to chat with people you see everyday at school, then coming home and chatting with them online AGAIN. ugh! I look back to those days, and say to myself how dumb, how pointless! But as the years went on, I realized that it wasn't so much fun anymore, so I started to have a purpose to why I used online communication, using myspace, or facebook.

When I communicate online, I like to communicate with people that I don't get to see on a daily basis, like for example, friends from high school that I hardly ever get to see, or family members that are out of my reach. When I communicate online, I like to be very detailed because I'm talking to people that I don't really get to talk to that much, so of course there's a lot to say to each other, I tend to always right a novel, lol. Even though face-to face communication is way better, I still manage to feel that sense as if it was a face-to-face conversation when me, and whoever I'm writing communicate, that's the whole point of being more detailed.

My style say's everything about me, the same way I act in person is the same way I will act through online communication. Everything that I say in my head I write it down, the same as it would come out of my own mouth. So really there is no difference in style I talk when it comes to communicating to someone online. I think it communicates to other, to see how I am, who Iam. People that i've met online, tell me that I have an outgoing personality, and they've never met me in person before, and a person that I know very well can tell you the exact same thing about me.

Indeed every conversation you have online is always going to be different, therefore, it's always a diiferent situation. Just like anybody else, there's always going to be different styles of approaching online communicating. Persay, if someone is coming at me all wrong, cursing me out online, well duh of course I'm going to say something rude back as well, the same as if someone came up to me face-to-face. Bottom line, online communication is needed, just like it a necessity right now to communicate to all of you of how I feel towards this topic, there's really no way around it, sooner or later your bound to find yourself communicating online! :)


  1. dear adri, i completely understand what you mean. it is really entertaining looking back on how much people were obsessed with certain things. myspace and facebook are very big social networks because of it. and there was a time that, i am pretty sure we all have gone through it, we werte on it all the time. before school, during school, after school whenever we had access. and instead of just using that time for better things some people were completely obsessed with all the drama involved with it. i think that is what draws everyone into it. everyone puts their entire life on it so people spend their days looking to see what they can find and once they find something they post and share with everyone they know. its a never ending cycle. as we get older we realize, well most of us, that things like this should only be used for talking to long lost friends and family that we never get to see. not for finding out whats giong on around us, we can just call or talk to somebody next door for that stuff. but all people are different and use things in different ways anyways so it just depends on the person.

  2. Your way of using social networking site is smart. When I read your idea of “When I communicate online, I like to communicate with people that I don't get to see on a daily basis,” I felt you got my point! I totally agree with that it is very effective way to use the social networking site. For instance, I can talk with my friends by phone or in person who live close to me, or have chance to meet frequently. On the other hand, my friends who live in Ecuador, Japan, Pennsylvania, or other part of world are physically far away, I don’t know what time is appropriate to call them, or some of relationship with friends are not that close as making phone call or e-mailing each other often; so, just finding them online chatting is very nice way of communication. So I really appreciate the invention of social networking site, or well, invention of internet itself is amazing! But it is nice to have face-to-face conversation, it is much better because it involves non-verbal cues and expression of emotion. So as you said, communicating with people who “don’t get to see on a daily basis” is the perfect situation to take advantage of social networking site. Good post!
