Friday, May 7, 2010

Taboo Language Shows

Now and day's, we hear and see taboo phrases, or words all over the media. We are all surrounded by it, I mean especially in a country where English is spoken. Having control of taboo language means power. If you know when, how, where and why to use it - or not use it - you have more power over your interactions with others than if you don't. A good example, the show South Park is a great example in pushing the envelope in terms of taboo language.

The Show South Park has been a controversial show, that many parents don't advise, and oppose to it, because of the things they discuss, and the way they behave. In my opinion, I find the show to be very funny. Although I am aware that they do curse, but it's a way to express emotional power. It is a way to express anger, oain, frustration, and annoyance. I belive that in watchiung this show, it canhelp out people feel less stress, or worried about what is going on in their lives, because the show is like an outlet you can use to feel comfort. I see these being able to somewhat cure someone who feels anger, or unpatient, because shows like South Park are funny, and stupid that can actually really make someone feel good, by making them laugh. In other words, Taboo language should not be censored, because it's a way to express reality.

I know that for me, it is very helpful to curse when I feel mad, or when something went wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I don't use such words all the time. I know where, and when to use them and when not to. If I am in a professional situation, it's obvious that I won't curse, but let's say around friends, It's bound to come out sooner or later. I find cursing very reliefing, I guess you can say it makes me feel better, it's odd to say but it does. And that's just the way some people are, doesn't mean there's something wrong with them, it just helps them release what they feel inside in my opinion.

I believe that if South Park was to not use taboo language, it would not be funny at all, the taboo language is what made it such a popular show, so why would they censor it. I ask why do they even censor, or bleep it when they are about to curse? Theres no point in doing that, we all know what the words are. The average 6 year old even knows. If parent's areso worried about their children watching such shows, then they can cancel channels that view these shows, But jsut because one or more mother /parents oppose to it, doesn't mean they should ruin it for the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. You made very interesting point that cursing could be reliefing in the some situation. Since I am more toward supporter for censoring language because of worrying for children, it is an interesting to read your blog to know different idea. After reading your blog, I agree with your point of view as well. I actually think South Park is a funny show, even though I have not watched many times. When I hear curse words often in English, I still feel just a bit awkward and uncomfortable, because maybe I have been in the environment where curse words were very discouraged in the earlier year of learning English. However, when I remember how I talk in Spanish, I often talk curse words because I hang out with many friends who talk curse words and those words seemed to me that friendlily used. It’s kind of funny way to say it, but when I hear curse words in Spanish, I wouldn’t be offended much. I actually felt relieved talking curse words in Spanish even though I don’t feel same way in English. However, in Japanese, I rarely speak curse words, or almost none, since Japanese people are highly discouraged to talk taboo words. I would talk these words only among close male friends. So after analyzing myself, I found out that depends on which culture I was in, I speak very differently. Therefore, now I understand that everyone has own point of view. So there’s no single answer to the question. It was nice reading your blog to know your point of view. Good job!
