Friday, April 16, 2010

Free to Voice Out!!

Our nation is known to let those who want to speak, speak. The bill of rights allow us citizens to let our voices be heard, whether if it is in a good way, or a bad way. If a leader of an unknown hate group were to step foot on my campus, I wouldn't oppose to him/her being there. I mean there isn't much I can do, but to share my opinions with that individual as well. Legally, he/she is not breaking any law, therefore they should be protected under the First Amendment.

In my opinion, I would defend such individual from using inflammatory racist language, because after all he or she does have the right to say what he/she feels is right to say, many might not like what he/she might be saying, but they have the Freedom of Speech to do so. If i didn't like a certain subject persay, or if I was against something being said or done, I would put my vioce out there and say what I feel towards that matter, some may oppose to it, or soe=me may be in favor with me, but I do have the right to speak my mind out, just as freely as the hate leader is allowed to.

After all, nobody can really say nothing to that person, regarding police officers or so, because we do live in a world were we can't really be controlled. If the person giving the hate speech doesn't start any fights or cause any type of damage to anyone then he's good to go. And if in any case, he does provoke anyone, then he will be asked to leave, or I will try to situate the problem, it's only fair. I mean we can't simply take that right from someone, because if we do, then it complicates everyone's rights to Freedom of Speech. That wouldn't be such a good idea, because that's all we pretty much have. If the government takes complete control of that, then we won't have much to protect ourselves from, I mean the government already violates our privacy by using high technology to find things, and sometimes they break into people's houses without a warrant, so if Freedom of Speech is taken away simply because someone is voicing there opinion in a rude, or insulting manner, then it can affect all of us. I believe, that people should have the right to say whatever they feel free to say, and those who don't agree can either put up a front and give their opinions, or they can just simply walk away and not even pay attention to what he or she is saying.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Feel the Love.
    I understand both sides of the argument. I know and I agree that there is not much we can do if our school were to have or allow a hate group leader come and speak at the campus. But I know I could decide whether or not to attend. I do have a choice, of course. I know that I would most definitely be against it but if it were my college allowing him or her it is not my choice whether to allow the freedom to speak or not that decision was made by the officials at AVC. It is obviously not my choice to have them speaking but in this sort of argument I have no say. It is really beyond my control. And since we live in a world or in a nation that allows and ensures free speech they should be able to speak freely. Whether or not I agree is beyond the point. I know I disagree with anything that has to do with hate. Whether it is in the form or a bully, a mean word, or “hate” speech it is all the same to me. It is all unnecessary madness. The only real limitation we all have is the one that we should follow, but not all of us do, and that is that we should try to not say anything obscene or offensive because its just not nice.
