Friday, April 30, 2010

New & Improved!

This English 103 class hasn't been all that easy, but like that famous quote says nothing in life was said to be easy. I have learned a tremendous amount of things from taking this class. I believe that my writing has improved due to this class, because not only did we have the criticism of teachers, but now our peers get to opinion each others work. I think that was huge, because everyone sees things in different point of views regardless if they agreed, or not.

The thing i enjoyed the most was the board discussions, because it was amazing to me how different opinions and thoughts about the specfic question, had so many responses, and showed how certain people think and feel. It also made me actually think about what i was writing about, i had a purpose, and i liked that a lot from the discussions. It was also pretty neat to have your own peers give you advice, and help. The first couple of weeks I didn't have a clue how to use the online system, until I figured out a way to get in contact with some of the people online, and they were very helpful, in helping me. :)

My writing skills aren't the greatest, but due to the responses and feedback from people, made me realize that my writing was improving, because i would get comments from my peers saying how goood of a job I did on my blogs, or explaining something through the discussion boards. I think that the whole blog thing is so awesome, it's a way for people to share things, important issues that are going on in today's world. I learned so much through these blogs. The people in this class have such strong opinion, and through that I was able to learn something from them.

Overall, this class was interesting I think the group we had was cool. Even though it was hard at times, I enjoyed it. :)

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