Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Yourself, Before You Love Others!

Most of us with out even noticing it, we tend to love others, before we even get the chance to love our own self. Then they wonder why things go wrong, they get to involve trying to make others happy, while at the same time they’re sitting around trying to figure how to make themselves happy. It doesn’t work like, I personally believe that having self-respect is more important. Not being comfortable with yourself, brings unhappiness. self- respect is recognizing that everything worth having has a price, which is followed by happiness.

I live by the quote, “Love yourself first, before you love others”. This quote was introduced to me by a close friend back in High School. I remember feeling left out, I don’t know if I felt sad, or lonely, I just knew that I wasn’t the person I was used to being, I never paid to much attention to myself. I felt like I was being trapped in this black whole, not knowing how to escape from it, just like any typical teenager at that point in their lives feels when they hit that stage in high school. One day, I walked into my English class, we were have way through the semester when a new girl joined our class. The teacher sat her right behind me, I looked back at her, not with a smile, but not with a mean face either. Next thing you know, with a blink of an eye we became close friends, we started talking and hanging out more often. What’s ironic is, that just knowing this chick for so little time, through my smiles, and laughs she was able to tell that there was something wrong. One evening during lunch, she comes and sits next to me and asks me, “What’s wrong?”, I said, “nothing, why?”, My intentions weren’t to show anything, I mean I didn’t even feel like I was portraying some sort of expression, or body language, but I guess their was enough evidence for her to catch on. Then she popped out with the question, “Do you love yourself?”, in the back of my head, I was like, “what the hell is she talking about”. I started thinking, and deep inside I knew I wasn’t happy with the way I was, I felt not comfortable within my own self, and I responded back, “I’ve never thought about myself like that”. I Must have been in denial, she shared some of her past experiences, that were quite touching, and I thought to myself, oh man, she has it way worse than me, and I’m just complaining about how I don’t like certain things about myself. Through her words, I learned how to love myself for who I was, and learned to recognize that everything I was and had was worth being happy for. In the end, I got over my fears, and applied the “self-respect rule”, which in my eyes was, learn to love yourself, before you choose to love anyone else, whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves, and in return one will seek happiness.

This close friend, and I continue to be friends, I share this story, because it was life changing. I mean, yes, we were young at heart, but we knew what it was like to feel uncomfortable in our own shoes. Through the many conversations we had, we learned a lot about ourselves and became happy campers. Now and days, I see friends, and just people in general, struggling and feeling down because so and so left them, or did them wrong ect, only if they knew that by having self-respect, it is much easier to overcome all that. Self-respect can be taken away just by a simple face expression, that expresses to the other person that their ugly for example, but people can’t take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them. When you express love, acceptance, and respect, you create happiness within.


  1. I think it is interesting that there is a bit of connection in your blog this week and the one from last week through talking about non-verbal cues. I guess we somehow express our feeling with non-verbal cues, even though we try to hide the feeling. Well, back to this week’s topic. I really like the quote of “Love yourself first, before you love others,” because I really agree with you that loving myself is necessary to love others well. I grew up with Japanese culture and we were taught to respect, be kind and helpful to the others. But not many people said to “love yourself.” so I remember that I was striving to help others but I felt something wrong inside my heart. Later I realized that it came from lack of self respect and self confidence; I was helping or talking caring others, however, it was not voluntary from my heart but it was more like obligated works. However, I gained self confidence by living in foreign countries where various culture and languages were practiced; then I start liking myself through recognizing self accomplishments. After that, I became more natural to care others through having good foundation in my heart. Having wonderful experiences which were supported by others also add to how important to love or care others. However, I tend to forget the fact “love yourself” part. So I should remind that often. So thanks for sharing the idea and reminding me the importance of love myself in order to love others.

  2. Aw Adri, you that was good and cute. I have to say I completely agree with you. The sad thing is that I know it is the best way to be but I do not really apply this kind of thinking. But i do agree mainly because there is no way to really be able to love someone unless you love and are happy with yourself. Being able to love yourself goes along with happiness which also happens to go hand in hand with self respect. These three things are definately not able to really be achieved without having a full understanding and grasp of each. you also haev to have them in order for them all to work to benefit you.But i really love that quote "Love yourself Before you love others." I also think that this is a great story and can help someone else figure this out. Because if they were to read it they would understand and be able to realte. They can be like ok you figured it out so they can too. The best thing is that once you realize this and apply it you can have the chance to be the person you want to be. not the person you are, unless you are happy with yourself.

  3. 2. Wow! Kick butt blog Adri! And you're completely right--so many of us always wonder why everyone looks so 'happy' and 'bouncy' when we just feel kind blah. I think that it is mostly because of how we look at other people and perceive them—like if someone is very self-assured and happy with who they are they may come off as snobby or self absorbed, or if they have a bad self-image and they’re always talking about how their life sucks or something like that, they may come off as emo, or depressing, or just plain whiny. But you’re right, we can’t really be happy with our lives and everything about us, if we don’t love ourselves at least a little. It’s like everything else I guess, we just can’t love something we do no even like. And I think that self-respect is a huge part of our happiness and self-love. I think that self-respect is essential if we really want to love ourselves and lead a happy life, because in order to do all of that, we need to understand the type of person we are, know our faults and either make our piece with them or work around them. Once we have self-respect, we can move on to loving ourselves and thus being happy. Great blog Adri!
