Friday, March 26, 2010

How we speak to each other.

Men and women are very interesting to observe, especially when it comes down to non-verbal communication. We may have similarities, in those that men and women both have two hands, two legs, two ear, and a mouth I'm pretty sure most of us know how to use, but when it comes to communicating, we are completely different opposites. Statistically, it is said that 65-93% of men and women communicate non-verbally, by applying non-verbal behaviors, for example, gestures, emotion, status, and relational quality.

When it comes to the purpose of talk, I have come to realize that, men tend to lean more over to the independant side, and women tend to relie on intimacy. Men like rules, and most of the time, they follow them right when it's convienant for them, right ladies? Women, are based more on relationships. They like to commune, rather than to go by the rules. Surprisingly, there are interesting differences between the expressions used to introduce men's and women's speech. When it comes to speaking, men speak more firmly, and bluntly. They shout out things with urge, and aggressivness, making it a challenging conversation. On the other hand, women speak more innocently and quietly, along with obedience. When we women talk, we talk with loyalty, and offer humbly, and always with a smile, can't forget the smile! Now, when it comes to intimacy, I think non-verbal communication takes place more in relationships, because men and women express their emotions in totally different ways. Women have more high self disclosure, and they like to share things by showing emotion. Talking for women is not a hard thing, for a women talking is the key to developing and maintaining relationships. When it comes to men, they have less disclosure, and they love to share things by using their knowledge, and by what they have already retained and learned from past experiences.

I mean there are multiple ways to use non- verbal communication, the things listed above are just few of the many examples that are out there. Many of us don't even notice we use non-verbal communication; it's like we have all become immune to it, that no one even realizes it. Most people, when they are having a simple conversation use it, for example, let's say for instance your friend is telling you a story, about what happened to her/him over the weekend, and so your just standing there listening, but at the same time you're making gestures, or showing some sort of body language that is telling her you are listening by non-verbally communicating to her. I think about this all the time, I tell myself how is it that we all have managed to adapt ourselvesto such a way of communicating to one another, it's crazy to me, but at the same time interesting how it just fits everyone to use it. I know for a fact, I do it all the time, and I never catch myself in the act of doing it, until I am done talking. Then that is when I try to go back and remember the conversation and see if I actually applied any of the facial expressions, or body language letting my audience know that we are on the same page. The way I see it, is as a whole new different language, I believe it is not the same language being spoken to one another, even though both parties maybe using non-verbal communication it's different because, everyone has their own unique way in communicating non-verbally. Each individual shows off different vibes, that allow just that person to understand what is really going on. For example, it's just like is two people were having a conversation in a different language that you didn't understand what they were saying, It's basically the same concept with non-verbal communication. :)


  1. It is very interesting blog! I learned many things by reading your blog. It is very fascinating to know the difference in the way how women and men communicate each other both verbally and non-verbally. Your use of statistic to show how people are relied on non-verbal communication is very interesting. Now it makes sense that I usually rely on interpreting other’s feeling through non-verbal cues rather than verbal cues when it comes to contradiction between them, because people express non-verbally more than verbally; maybe we are trained naturally to interpret non-verbal cues very well. I also like your way of using a example to support your idea. In the blog, you state, “Most people, when they are having a simple conversation use it, for example, let's say for instance your friend is telling you a story, about what happened to her/him over the weekend, and so your just standing there listening, but at the same time you're making gestures, or showing some sort of body language that is telling her you are listening by non-verbally communicating to her.” This example reminded me that the fact why I prefer to talk to the people face to face rather than telephone, because I can see non-verbal cues through face to face base; now I understand the reason why I preferred face to face. So interpreting non-verbal cues is very important to know other’s thought. However, there is pit fall on relying too much on non-verbal cues. You pointed out even same kind of non-verbal expression do not mean the same; this part made me remind that I should not assume what others thinking through interpreting their non-verbal expression as the way I think; confirming what they are thinking requires clarification by asking them to actual conversation. It is especially true when we talk with someone from other culture who tends to express non-verbal expression differently than us. Like you said, it’s like a “foreign language.”I am glad to remind this fact by reading your blog, otherwise, very easy to misinterpret and cause misconception between us. I am glad to know your thought. Good job!

  2. O man, i am pretty dang sure that you nailed thetopic of men and women and the ways they communicate. i agree with the whole thing about men are more independent than women, while women prefer being intimate and close with whoever they are with. whether they are talking with or to a man or a woman, or a group or either men, women or both. it is interesting that you included jestures used by those who are just listening to the story or what is being said. facial expressions say a lot about what the person is thinking, whether they are being spoken to, spoken about or speaking. i know this personally because i tend to speak more with my face, eyes or body language more than with my words. mainly because i feel that sometimes words cant do what actions or expressions and gestures can. i have always believed that actions speak louder than words. so gestures, tones, mannerism and other things that go with communicating are the most important thing when talking. but then again they are also used to show interest in the topic. like if someone is telling you a story about what happened and you smile or nod it shows that you are attentive to what is being said. and that they are not just speaking for no reason.
