Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's ok to have an accent!

. Foreign language is a hot issue in the United States. I believe that colleges and Universities should be required to have a foreign language in order to graduate. Primarily, because at this point, all businesses and jobs require for an individual to have a foreign language, or some type of skill that can be handy. i mean everywhere you pretty much go, the only languages you'll here a person talk is English and Spanish, there the top two languages spoken here in the United States. I mean knowing at least one foreign language is a virtue. Many businesses and companies give preference to candidates with foreign language skills, they also find it helpful to have signs, instructors, in both languages for their clients. In general it smoothes relations with foreign clients. I believe that people who don't have or practice a second language will face some challenges along the road, this nation is becoming more and more cultural, and it's going to continue to. I can't name not one business or job in the United States, that speaks just the English language. Regardless of the major you choose to do, in the end one is better off knowing a foreign language, that's the bottom line.I agree in that it is difficult for an individual to retain so much at such a developed age. The problem is that it is not required, but when it is taught. By the time they reach high school, most people have firmly rooted themselves in their primary language. However, brains are more malleable in their ways of language, but can still be taught. For example math is required to all college or University students, and many of the start from scratch, which is math 50 and build their way up, it's the same thing with a language except, letters are replacing numbers and variables. I believe we should all have the opportunity to pick at least one other language and have the passion to dedicate too and learn their ways of communicating. It's a neat thing to learn a different language, because it also helps to understand your own, and helps you built up your social skills by knowing something from a different culture. The job market continues to grow more and more competitive and our generation is being affected. By college and University students learning a new language is the key in distinguishing you from your competition. There is no doubt that learning a new language can only help a person get ahead in business, and I think there is no better way to do that than with wanting to know more. Therefore, colleges and Universities should require atleast one foreign class in order for admission or graduation, it will take them far and they will feel comfort knowing they have a stable job, instead of competing with another person for the same job.

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