Friday, May 28, 2010

Two More Days left!! ahhh!

This lastresearch, for i'd have to say was the most difficult. I say that, because like always I wait for the last minute to do things. What made it more stressful was that it had to be five pages long, and sadly to say i didn't even get the five full pages. But i'm so excited that this class is almost over, I know that may sound harsh, but hey I'm speaking with the truth hear. So far this semester has been the most difficult for me, and i've struggled way to much, but I'm glad I wa one of the few people that remained in this English class, because I indeed learn a lot of valuable things from my peers.

This last research paper was actually quite interesting to write, mainly because I learned how women's rights in Islam were far beyond fair. I actually got the chance to put myself in the position of women in Islam, and see how they were treated, and till this day they continue to follow such laws. I learned that women had absolutely no say what so ever in anything, and that they were forced to dress a certain way, and if they disobeyed such rules, they were brutaly punished. Another thing that really touched me, was that besides not having the right for anything, as a wife in Islam, if her husband wanted to divorce, or even worse get a second, or third wife, men did not have to ask for permission they just went about, and if divorced the children were taken away from the mother, and possibly never see them again. I think that touched me the most, because not being able to be with children you personally birthed is horrible.

I strongly believe that this research paper, made me open my eyes a little more about what is actually happening around the world, how people are being treated, and how women are being treated as property, rather as the human being that they are. Like i've said previously, this paper wasn't easy to write, but I was able to get enough research to gain valuable information and learn from what I was writing, and I think that was the key to the paper, to gain knowledge about things that seem far from our reach. Having the privilage to learn something new every day, whether it's from your own writing, or someone elses. I hope to have impacted, or atleast inform you guy's about what is being done with women in Iran. I also hope that I get a good grade on it. lol :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm Such a Procrastinator!!!

Well to be quite frank honest with ya, the reaearch paper isn't coming along all that great......I havn't quite started working on it yet :/. I'm such a procrastinator..ahh! The only thing i've done so far on it is read a few pages, and I have done just a little bit of research on it. For some weird reason, I have a feeling this paper is going to give me a hard time, besides the fact that I havn't put to much into it, but I believe I tend to work better under pressure. Tha'ts why I always leave things till the last minute. I know I know that isn't a smart strategy, but i've been doing it for so long, that it just works for me.

So this is the situation, every time it is necessary to read a book and write a paper on it, the problem I always encounter with is remembering what I just read. It happens to me all the time and I hate it, because it get's me frustrated, and I just want to take a break, and that's a bigger problem because then, i'll just keep saying to myself, i'll do it later, and that just leads to doing it the next day lol. And always to that. But you know what, this time i'm going to try and actually do an outline for it, that way I have all the information written down in order, and how I want to start it.

So hopefully, this paper won't turn out as bad as it seems, becuase finals are kicking my butt, and if i don't get this ridiculous paper done imma be angry grr. But i guess that's the consequence of being a big time procrastinator and waiting till that last minute to get my ideas down. But I know that I will get it down, I mean after all i have been doing it for a very long time, so I'm pretty sure i'll manage to finish it, even though I know i might have to stay up super late working on it, but like i said before, i work better under pressure.

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Style.

Online communication has become very popular in our society, I'm pretty sure we all have a myspace, or facebook we use to communicate to each other right? Well I am a big fan of online communication. I'm literally interacting with people constantly through the web. Before, I use to see it as a mean of fun, you know like getting to chat with people you see everyday at school, then coming home and chatting with them online AGAIN. ugh! I look back to those days, and say to myself how dumb, how pointless! But as the years went on, I realized that it wasn't so much fun anymore, so I started to have a purpose to why I used online communication, using myspace, or facebook.

When I communicate online, I like to communicate with people that I don't get to see on a daily basis, like for example, friends from high school that I hardly ever get to see, or family members that are out of my reach. When I communicate online, I like to be very detailed because I'm talking to people that I don't really get to talk to that much, so of course there's a lot to say to each other, I tend to always right a novel, lol. Even though face-to face communication is way better, I still manage to feel that sense as if it was a face-to-face conversation when me, and whoever I'm writing communicate, that's the whole point of being more detailed.

My style say's everything about me, the same way I act in person is the same way I will act through online communication. Everything that I say in my head I write it down, the same as it would come out of my own mouth. So really there is no difference in style I talk when it comes to communicating to someone online. I think it communicates to other, to see how I am, who Iam. People that i've met online, tell me that I have an outgoing personality, and they've never met me in person before, and a person that I know very well can tell you the exact same thing about me.

Indeed every conversation you have online is always going to be different, therefore, it's always a diiferent situation. Just like anybody else, there's always going to be different styles of approaching online communicating. Persay, if someone is coming at me all wrong, cursing me out online, well duh of course I'm going to say something rude back as well, the same as if someone came up to me face-to-face. Bottom line, online communication is needed, just like it a necessity right now to communicate to all of you of how I feel towards this topic, there's really no way around it, sooner or later your bound to find yourself communicating online! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taboo Language Shows

Now and day's, we hear and see taboo phrases, or words all over the media. We are all surrounded by it, I mean especially in a country where English is spoken. Having control of taboo language means power. If you know when, how, where and why to use it - or not use it - you have more power over your interactions with others than if you don't. A good example, the show South Park is a great example in pushing the envelope in terms of taboo language.

The Show South Park has been a controversial show, that many parents don't advise, and oppose to it, because of the things they discuss, and the way they behave. In my opinion, I find the show to be very funny. Although I am aware that they do curse, but it's a way to express emotional power. It is a way to express anger, oain, frustration, and annoyance. I belive that in watchiung this show, it canhelp out people feel less stress, or worried about what is going on in their lives, because the show is like an outlet you can use to feel comfort. I see these being able to somewhat cure someone who feels anger, or unpatient, because shows like South Park are funny, and stupid that can actually really make someone feel good, by making them laugh. In other words, Taboo language should not be censored, because it's a way to express reality.

I know that for me, it is very helpful to curse when I feel mad, or when something went wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I don't use such words all the time. I know where, and when to use them and when not to. If I am in a professional situation, it's obvious that I won't curse, but let's say around friends, It's bound to come out sooner or later. I find cursing very reliefing, I guess you can say it makes me feel better, it's odd to say but it does. And that's just the way some people are, doesn't mean there's something wrong with them, it just helps them release what they feel inside in my opinion.

I believe that if South Park was to not use taboo language, it would not be funny at all, the taboo language is what made it such a popular show, so why would they censor it. I ask why do they even censor, or bleep it when they are about to curse? Theres no point in doing that, we all know what the words are. The average 6 year old even knows. If parent's areso worried about their children watching such shows, then they can cancel channels that view these shows, But jsut because one or more mother /parents oppose to it, doesn't mean they should ruin it for the rest of us.

Taboo Language Shows